Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Happy 30th Birthday Dan!!!
We can't believe our second son has hit the BIG 3-0! Brooke had a fun, fun party for Dan with an 80's theme. The guests came in the best costumes...very creative! It was great being in St. George to join in the fun.
Dan was voted best "hair" but Ty's looked pretty good and it was his OWN! Here are Ty, Whitney, Dan and Brooke at the photo backdrop looking VERY 80's!!!
Thanks Brooke for the fabulous party and Happy Birthday Dan!
As long as we were in St. George we decided to look for cars. The Durango has served its purpose so we're in the "market". Well...Happy Birthday Dan...we bought a car on your birthday!!! We are excited to be owners of an Acura MDX!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fun Filled Weeks...

Sunday, May 3rd...We had the opportunity to be in Chris and Staci's home for Ayla's blessing. It was a wonderful time to be with our entire family, including Great grandma and grandpa Kjar and Great grandma Ulrich. Staci's Mom and grandma and grandpa Howard, and several of Chris and Staci's friends were all there too. Little Ayla was an angel and her daddy gave her a beautiful blessing!
Saturday, May 2nd...,Tyler and Whitney both graduated from Southern Utah University-with HONORS!!! Congrats you two...we are SO proud of both of you!!!
A few weeks ago we spent several days in St. George. We went to see Oaklyn dance in a recital and she did a GREAT job! While down there all our children and grandchildren joined us for an evening. Getting a picture of the 5 grandkids was quite a feat! This was the best shot! Cute, huh?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

We are bloggers!

A view of the Panama Canal from the ship.

At Dinner in the dining room of the Island Princess.

This is our latest adventure... Panama Canal Cruise! We thought for our first official post we would highlight our cruise to the Panama Canal. On January 23, 2009, we cruised with DeAnne and Scott on the Island Princess. Our 10 day cruise included, Aruba, Columbia, Panama Canal, Costa Rica, and Jamaica. We had a fabulous time... eating, sunning, sightseeing, zip lining, shopping, and more! At the end of the cruise we only wanted more!!!